Submit Article

If you are interested to publish your work in Russia in Global Affairs magazine, please read the information about our publication’s policies and requirements for articles. If your contribution meets our standards and guidelines, please send it to our email address: [email protected]. We will respectfully review your submission and respond.


General recommendations for the authors


Russia in Global Affairs accepts for publication articles in English and Russian on topics pertaining to political science, international relations and world politics; as well as articles discussing sociology, history, economic, cultural and military issues related to international relations.

When submitting an article to the Editorial Board for consideration an author/authors should guarantee that this is his/her own original work, free of plagiarism and other elements that go against research ethics. All co-authors and persons involved in the research that resulted in the submitted article should be properly mentioned in it.


Submission Guide


The size of an article (preferably)

Research article — no more than 40,000 characters with spaces (excluding references);

Review article — no more than 20,000 characters with spaces (excluding references);

Interview — no more than 30,000 characters with spaces

The structure of a research article

It is crucial that the submitted research article be academic in form and substance.

The structure of a submitted research article should meet the IMRAD requirements and include:

  • Introduction — Why was the research conducted? What were the subject matter and purpose of the research? What hypothesis/hypotheses was/were tested?
  • Methods — When, where and how was the research conducted? What material and methods of analysis were used?
  • Results — Has/have the hypothesis/hypotheses proved right?
  • Discussion — Why are the results of the study significant? How do they match with the findings made by other researchers? What are the prospects for future research?
  • Conclusion(s)

The points above may or may not be used as titles for the article’s sections.

The title page should contain the following

The article’s title and subtitle;

  • The author’s (authors’) name(s), including patronymic (for example, Fyodor A. Lukyanov); academic affiliation; academic identifiers (ORCID, ResearcherID, etc.); contact information (postal address, tel., e-mail);
  • Abstract (100-150 words) complying with the IMRAD requirements;
  • Keywords (5–9 words).

Citations and references

We kindly ask the authors to refrain from using endnotes/footnotes or not use them at all, if possible.

Citations and reference list should comply with the BSI standards.

Look up for the basic referencing guidelines at:

The full description is available at:

In short:

In-text citations are placed in the text body in brackets and follow this format: (Author, year, page); for example, (Lukyanov, 2018, p. 181). They refer to the list of citations located at the end of an article in a separate section called References.

Citations are listed in alphabetical order.

NB: Russian-language sources (or other languages except English) in the reference list should be Romanized (transliterated) and, if possible, TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH!

We recommend using Romanization guidelines proposed by the U.S. Library of Congress (; when Romanizing, the [ ⁀ ] sign should possibly be avoided/

We recommend using specialized referencing applications such as EndNote, Zotero and the like.

Referencing samples


(Walker, 1993)
(Winner and Schiller, 2002, p. 328)
(Dalay, et al. 2020)
(EP, 2019)

Walker, R.B.J., 1993. Inside/outside: International Relations as Political Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wimmer, A., and Schiller, N.G., 2002. Methodological Nationalism and beyond: Nation–state Building, Migration and the Social Sciences. Global networks, 2(4), October, pp. 301–334.

Dalay, G., Lesser, I., Talbot, V., and Tastan, K., 2020. Turkey and the West: Keep the Flame Burning. The German Marshall Fund of the United States. Policy Paper. No. 6. June 2020.

Berger, S., and Kansteiner, W., 2021. Agonistic perspectives on the memory of war: an introduction. In: Berger, S., and Kansteiner, W. (eds.), 2021. Agonistic Memory and the Legacies of the 20th Century Wars in Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–11.

EP, 2019. European Parliament resolution of 19 September 2019 on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe [online]. Available at: [Accessed 27.01.2023].

Khoros, V., 1980. Ideĭnye techeniya narodnicheskogo tipa v razvivayushchihsya stranah [‘Narodnik’ Populist Ideological Concepts in Developing Countries]. Moscow: Nauka, GRVL.

Dugin, А., 2018. Anatomiya populizma i vyzov matritse [Anatomy of Populism and a Challenge to the Matrix]., 27 November [online]. Available at: [Accessed: date]

Gryazev, А., 2018. “Hvatit migratsii”: Vengriya i Italiya razrushat staruyu Evropu [“Enough of the migration”: Hungary and Italy will destroy the Old Europe]., 29 August [online]. Available at: [Accessed: date].

Badanova, R., 2017. Vyshli my vse iz onlaĭna [We all came out from online presence]. Kommersant Vlast’, Vol.2, 21 January [online]. Available at: [Accessed: date].

Language/style recommendations

We strongly urge Russian authors to write in Russian (articles will be translated into English by our professional staff) but in choosing the style of writing remember about the targeting of the publication — our target audience is mainly English-speaking readers with respective cultural background. 

Quotes from original English-language sources should be submitted/inserted in the Russian text body in English.