On Monday July 15 at 10.30 am, RIA Novosti International Multimedia Press Center will host the presentation of Interventions: A Life in War and Peace, a book by Kofi Annan, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and board member of the United Nations Foundation.
Former UN Secretary General will present his memoirs jointly with RIAC President Igor Ivanov, Russia’s ex-Foreign Minister.
The book depicts Mr. Annan’s successes and mishaps beginning from the shuttle diplomacy for the Kosovo, Lebanon and Israeli-Palestinian crises to the uncompromising and dramatic clashes on the Iraq war and development of the historic concept «Responsibility to Protect».

The author expands on current UN challenges and previous failures including Somalia, Ruanda and Bosnia, the unending violence in the Middle East, the still fruitless fight against AIDS, and perennial poverty of the African Continent, his homeland.