“Trump Doesn’t Care About Russia”: Fyodor Lukyanov on the New US President, Putin and the Ukraine Conflict
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Fyodor A. Lukyanov

Russia in Global Affairs
National Research University–Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
Research Professor;
Valdai Discussion Club
Research Director


SPIN RSCI: 4139-3941
ORCID: 0000-0003-1364-4094
ResearcherID: N-3527-2016
Scopus AuthorID: 24481505000


E-mail: editor@globalaffairs.ru
Tel.: (+7) 495 980 7353
Address: Office 112, 29 Malaya Ordynka Str., Moscow 115184, Russia

Interview to the Weltwoche magazine

Donald Trump is an interesting person. No matter what you think of him, you cannot stop watching him. In Russia, there are people who see Trump’s ‘resurrection’ as a very important moment. Some believe that Donald Trump could give the US an impetus that would make its partners difficult to communicate with. It’s important for the perception of Russia that many understand that a new era is beginning in the US and the whole world.

Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine, gave an interview to the Die Weltwoche weekly (Switzerland)


The interview is available via this link.


“Weapon Against Russia”: Fyodor Lukyanov on the West’s Ukraine Strategy and Putin’s Mistakes
Fyodor A. Lukyanov
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is a minor part of the overall situation. The main part is what was the casus belli from the perspective of the Russian leadership: it wasn't Ukraine, it was European and American perceptions of how European security should look. And this view emerged immediately after the end of the Cold War. Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine, gave an interview to the Die Weltwoche weekly (Switzerland).