Offer Agreement

Public Offer Agreement for Subscription


This public offer agreement (hereinafter referred to as ‘Agreement’) is an offer to the public at large for concluding an agreement on subscription and delivery of periodic printed editions on the terms specified below.

This Agreement defines the relationship between Foreign Policy Research Foundation, hereinafter referred to as ‘Foundation’, represented by Executive Director Irina Markovna Palekhova, acting in accordance with the General Power of Attorney issued on July 22, 2020, and the Subscriber, an individual or a legal entity, hereinafter referred to as ‘Customer’, which accepts the public offer to conclude the Agreement, hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties.

By accepting this offer, the Customer hereby confirms its full and unconditional consent to the terms of this Agreement.



Edition shall mean the Russian-language journal “Rossiya v globalnoi politike” and the English-language journal Russia in Global Affairs.

Issue of the Edition shall mean an issue of “Rossiya v globalnoi politike” journal or Russia in Global Affairs journal bearing serial number and the time (month and year) of its publication.

Order shall mean execution by the Customer on the Internet portal (for “Rossiya v globalnoi politike”) or (for Russia in Global Affairs), hereinafter referred to as ‘Website’, of the transaction procedure for purchasing a subscription to Editions in accordance with the terms of this Agreement stated below.

Subscription shall mean a form of the distribution of Editions which includes operations ensuring the transfer into the Customer’s ownership of ordered issues of Editions in accordance with the method of delivery chosen by the Customer.

Delivery shall mean a set of measures taken by the Foundation to ensure that the Customer receives an issue/issues of the Edition as specified in the Order.



1.1. The subject matter of this Agreement is services rendered by the Foundation for subscription and delivery of Editions to the Customer and payment for these services to the Foundation by the Customer.

1.2. The Foundation, acting in accordance with the Order made by the Customer on the Website, accepts the subscription and ensures the delivery of the ordered Edition(s) in accordance with the method of delivery chosen by the Customer, and the Customer pays for the Order in strict accordance with the payment details specified in this Agreement.



2.1. Acceptance of the offer means the consent of the Customer to all the terms of this Agreement and all Appendices hereto which are an integral part thereof.

2.2. The payment of an Order by the Customer (or another person in favor of the Customer) shall mean full and unconditional acceptance of this public offer.

2.3. The Customer shall specify in the Order the exact delivery address, first name, last name and patronymic of the addressee, contact telephone, and a valid e-mail address for feedback.



3.1. The total cost of an Order made by the Customer shall be the sum of the cost of ordered copies of the Edition(s) and the cost of their delivery.

3.2. Payment obligation shall be deemed to have been performed:

— upon receipt by an individual Customer of positive authorization of bank payment transfer;

— upon receipt by the Foundation of funds into its bank account from corporate Customer.

3.3. The services shall be deemed to have been rendered properly and in full if no claim to the Foundation has been made by the Customer within five (5) days of the delivery of the Edition.

3.4. If the Order is cancelled, a refund shall be made as follows:

— to the individual Customer money will be returned to the bank card with which the payment was made;

— to the corporate Customers money will be returned to the bank account from which the payment was made.



4.1. Printed issues of the Editions shall be delivered only after the Customer has paid the Order in full, and after the Customer has completed all the steps specified in Clause 2.3 of this Agreement.

4.2. Printed issues of the Edition shall be delivered to the Customer through a third party within the timeframe and on the terms determined by the company that makes the delivery.

The delivery period depends on the method of delivery chosen by the Customer and shall be coordinated with the Foundation manager:

— self-delivery (pick-up) from the editorial office in Moscow― every Wednesday from 10:30 to 20:00;

— expedited delivery within the Moscow city limits ― within 1to 3 days;

— Russian Post mailing ― paid Orders are dispatched from the warehouse within 1to 3 days (except for public holidays).

4.3. Regardless of the type of subscription (annual, half-annual or to individual issues), each issue of the ordered Edition shall be delivered separately immediately after the corresponding issue has been published. The time of issue release is determined by the Foundation unilaterally.

4.4. The Customer shall notify the Foundation of any change in the address to which issues of the Edition are delivered by sending written notice to the Foundation. Notices shall be sent by e-mail to or by regular mail to: POB 623, Moscow 119049. In the notice, the Customer shall state the current shipping address (with ZIP code), full name and a new shipping address (with ZIP code), as well as the name of the Edition.

The Edition delivery address will be changed:

— if notified before the 5th day of the current month ― from the 1st day of the next month;

— if notified after the 5th day of the current month ― from the 1st day of the month following the next one.

Issues of the Edition shall be delivered to the new address only after the Foundation has been properly notified by the Customer.

4.5. If the Customer specifies the delivery address without a ZIP code, the Foundation shall identify it by the address provided, and if this is not possible, then the Edition shall not be delivered by the Foundation until the Customer’s complaint.

The Foundation shall be exempt from liability for the delivery of the Edition to the Customer if the Customer has provided an incorrect delivery address.

4.6. The Foundation is exempt from liability for delayed delivery caused by any faulty operation of Russian Post or other companies accomplishing the delivery of the Editions.

4.7. A subscription ordered, paid and forwarded for delivery shall not be returned in accordance with the List of Non-Food Products of Proper Quality, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998.

4.8. The Customer shall acquire ownership rights to a printed issue of the Edition from the moment the Edition is transferred to Russian Post or another company delivering the Edition to the Customer.

4.9. The Customer can contact the Foundation for clarifying any questions concerning the subscription in any convenient manner specified on the Website, and the Foundation shall respond to the Customer’s questions as soon as possible after their receipt.



5.1. By providing personal data (first name, last name, patronymic, address, telephone number, e-mail) during registration on the Website, the Customer gives the Foundation its consent to the processing and use of this personal data in accordance with Federal Law 152-FZ “On Personal Data” of July 27, 2006, in various ways for the purposes specified in this Agreement.

5.2. The Foundation shall use the Customer’s personal data for the purpose of:

— registering the Customer on the Website;

— sending personalized advertising and information materials to the Customer;

— delivering subscription editions to the Customer;

— fulfilling its obligations to the Customer.

5.3. The Foundation shall undertake not to disclose the information received from the Customer. At the same time, transfer of the Customer’s personal data to the editorial office/publisher of the Edition shall not be considered a violation of the obligations, if the latter observes the nondisclosure regime, or if disclosure is required by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.



6.1. The Parties shall be exempt from liability for non-performance or improper performance of obligations arising from the Agreement if such non-performance (improper performance) has been caused by force majeure circumstances which include, among others, natural disasters, fires, industrial accidents and disasters, accidents on engineering facilities and communications, mass riots, hostilities, terrorist acts, revolts, civil unrest, strikes, quarantines, normative acts of state authorities or local self-government bodies preventing the parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement, that is, extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances arising after the conclusion of this Agreement.

6.2. The party affected by force majeure circumstances shall notify the other party within 5 (five) working days from the moment of their occurrence.



7.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations hereunder in accordance with the effective legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The Parties shall settle all disputes and disagreements through negotiations. If disputes and disagreements cannot be settled through negotiations, they shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. The Foundation shall be exempt from liability for the delivery of the Edition to the Customer if the Customer has provided an incorrect delivery address.



8.1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon full payment of an Order by the Customer (or another person in favor of the Customer) and shall be effective throughout the subscription period.

8.2. If the Customer pays a new Order, this offer shall be deemed extended for a new term.



Foreign Policy Research Foundation (FIMP)

Legal address:

117049, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 6, bldg. 16

Actual address: 115184, Moscow, ul. Malaya Ordynka, 29, room 305

Mailing address: 119049, Moscow, POB 623
Tel. (495) 980-73-53


INN/KPP 7706617302/770601001

OGRN 1067746514461

OKPO 94114744

OKVED – 58 (18.2, 72.2, 73.1)

OKTMO 45384000

OKOPF 70400 


  1. Settlement account 40703810700410000002 in AO OTP Bank, Moscow,

BIC 044525311, correspondent account 30101810000000000311

  1. Settlement account 40703810738000000640 in PAO Sberbank, Moscow,

BIC 044525225, correspondent account 30101810400000000225