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Delivery options ⤋⤋⤋
Delivery by Russian Post mailing
The latest issue of the magazine will be sent to you within three days after publication.
If you purchase the archive numbers, we will send them to you by mail within three days.
The delivery price is formed depending on the number of rooms ordered.
Expedited delivery
Delivery is possible only within the Moscow Ring Road.
Each current issue of the magazine will be delivered to you within three days after its release.
If you purchase archived issues of the magazine, we will send them to you within three days.
The delivery price is formed depending on the number of shipments of the ordered numbers.
Self-delivery: No charge
You can collect your order in our editorial office in Moscow:
Room 305, 29 Malaya Ordynka Str.
Wednesdays 10.30- 20.00
We remind you that the current issues of the magazine can be picked up from the editorial office three days after their publication on Wednesdays from 10: 30 to 20: 00.
You can inquire about the date of the issue release by
Tel.: +74959807353
Please note that we can sell issues only to Russian Federation individuals and legal entities.