The editorial board of Russia in Global Affairs are happy to announce that by the decision of the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) as of January 27, 2019, the English-language version of the journal was included in the Scopus bibliographic and reference database. Actual indexing of articles is to begin within three months.
We express our sincere gratitude to our authors and reviewers for their invaluable contribution to the success.
Russia in Global Affairs invites international relations experts, political scientists, sociologists, historians and philosophers to contribute their works.
Currently, authors are welcome to submit academic papers for Volume 2 (April-June) and Volume 3 (July-September) of this year. The general theme of Volume 2 is “Factors shaping the world order”, and of Volume 3, “Europe as an actor and subject of world politics.” Requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication are available in the Submission section of the English-language version of our website: